Monday, December 14, 2009

May, 1945: Seckenheim and Heidelberg, Germany

Letters were not written home during this stretch, as Pop's unit moved into Germany immediately following the end of the war. But, the camera was used often showing life in the just defeated Germany.

 Convoy enroute

Bombed Bridge

Refugees on the Rhine

Pop's room in Seckenheim

Haupstrasse in Seckenheim, Germany

Traffic on Haupstrasse

The amazing thing about showing these photographs is that Ma, Shirley Miller, and Rita's dad, Jim Hosey, both served in the military at the same time and there is little documentation of their service. I know that Ma did not have a camera and I suspect that the same was true for Rita's dad.

Regardless of the number of letters written and sent, and the number of photographs taken, these pictures and letters would not be here if someone at home did not save them. Letters were sent to Grandma and Grandpa Miller and to Aunt Doris. They seem to have saved everything. It is an odd sequence of actions that were necessary to have this kind of documentation today.

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