Thursday, December 17, 2009

June, 1945: Moving from Wiesbaden, Germany to Lyon, France

The war in Europe was finished, but the war in the Pacific was still going strong. So, Pop's unit moved from Germany towards Marseille in preparation of heading towards Japan. The first three photographs show Wiesbaden, Germany while the last two show an airfield south of Lyon where an overnight stop occurred.

Red Cross Club (Kurhaus)

Terrace of the Red Cross Club

Wiesbaden (not sure of the building)

Airfield used for overnight stop ( south of Lyon)

Airfield used for overnight stop.

Setting up cots at the airfield.

I will have to post a map that shows the movement around the world. I can't really call this a progression because of the circumstances, but it is amazing to see the documentation of this movement during the war.

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