Tuesday, November 17, 2009

On to France

 March, 1945 through April, 1945

Pop's unit moved from England into France. The first three photos show troop movement. The war was still going on at this time, although it would end while they were stationed in Nancy.  Word of the German surrender passed through the radio unit at Nancy.

  Enroute from Camp Twenty-Grand to Barentin

" The Forty and Eight"

The "Forty and Eight" refers to the Railroad Car. Pop said that the car was used during WWI to haul forty men or eight mules. He said that the cars didn't appear to have been cleaned out since that time and were used to house the troops as they marched across France.

Arriving at the Chartreuse a Bosserville      

 Louis Clement
15 Rue Stanislas
Nancy, France

Louis Clement stood guard over the radio unit that Pop was in. He spoke French with a German accent which was common in Lorraine since that area has shifted back and forth between the two countries. Pop said that he would bring things from his garden to give to the radio unit.

Following are some letters sent home during this tour in France that describe the goings on in the area.




1 comment:

  1. Pop,

    How did you find time to go to school in France during the war? Was this something you chose to do on your own? I am impressed with your letters home.
    Tell us what it was like during this time? and your job, what did you do? I know it had to do with radio operations... were you listening in to other people's conversations like a secret spy? curious.
