Monday, October 31, 2011

December, 1945 - Inspiration in Osaka

One of the side trips taken by WJM from Koshien was to Osaka. His group was invited to a hospital to view a surgery performed by a surgeon who had been trained in the US. This experience created a spark that would lead to post-war study and a future career.

Road to Osaka.

WJM in Red Cross Club - Osaka.

Red Cross Club - Osaka.

GI group viewing a surgery at University Hospital - Osaka.

Dr. Takebayshi - a neuro-surgeon- performed the surgery.

Surgery performed at University Hospital in Osaka.

Removal of a tumor and stomach.

Isolation of Nervus Medianus before removing scar tissue.

Suture of Nervus Ulnaris.

I am amazed when I look at these pictures to see no gloves on the surgeon's hands. Also, for a spectator to be close enough for the perspective of the surgery seems incomprehensible today. The photo of the GI's in the seats shows what they were wearing during the surgery.

The experience of viewing these surgical events was the spark that led to a long career in medicine.

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