Monday, November 14, 2011

January, 1946 -From Japan to the USA

The first month of 1946 involved the trip back to the USA. WJM left Koshien and traveled to the port of Kobe. In Kobe he boarded the USS Cranston Victory which carried troops to San Francisco.

 WJM - January, 1946
 Boarding trucks in Koshien for transport to Kobe.
 Last land view of Japan.
 Boarding area at Kobe train station.

 Boarding the USS Cranston Victory.

 Aboard the USS Cranston Victory.
 The Golden Gate Bridge - San Francisco, California - back home at last.
 Harbor in San Francisco Bay.
After a cross-country train ride, WJM was discharged and shortly returned home to Michigan.

March, 1946 - WJM with his mother Helen.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

December, 1945 - Nara

The occupation of Japan in December, 1945 by the US Army, provided the troops some time to explore the country on their free time. These photos were taken on a trip to Nara from Koshien.

Group of GI's as tourists.

WJM shopping.

A Cabaret offering a place to relax.

MP's maintaining order.

A Buddhist Temple. 


Monday, October 31, 2011

December, 1945 - Inspiration in Osaka

One of the side trips taken by WJM from Koshien was to Osaka. His group was invited to a hospital to view a surgery performed by a surgeon who had been trained in the US. This experience created a spark that would lead to post-war study and a future career.

Road to Osaka.

WJM in Red Cross Club - Osaka.

Red Cross Club - Osaka.

GI group viewing a surgery at University Hospital - Osaka.

Dr. Takebayshi - a neuro-surgeon- performed the surgery.

Surgery performed at University Hospital in Osaka.

Removal of a tumor and stomach.

Isolation of Nervus Medianus before removing scar tissue.

Suture of Nervus Ulnaris.

I am amazed when I look at these pictures to see no gloves on the surgeon's hands. Also, for a spectator to be close enough for the perspective of the surgery seems incomprehensible today. The photo of the GI's in the seats shows what they were wearing during the surgery.

The experience of viewing these surgical events was the spark that led to a long career in medicine.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Train Trip from Koshien

By December of 1945, the occupation of Japan was moving along. There was now time to leave the stadium at Koshien and see other areas. WJM took the train to visit places beyond Koshien.

 Mt. Fuji viewed from the train.
 Farms viewed from the train.

 Roadside peddlers.
 Photo ops during the tour.
 Kids looking in the window of the train to see the Americans.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

December, 1945 - Koshien, Japan

We haven't found any photographs from November 1945, but there are many photos from December, 1945. The 3186 Batallion was housed in Koshien Stadium in Koshien, a town close to Osaka. This set of pictures show the stadium and nearby area. Christmas was celebrated here and a couple of the cards from the December post are shown again.

a view of the Koshien Stadium from the motor pool area.

The stadium with the American flag flying over it.

The 3186 Battalion Signal Service in Koshien Stadium.

Koshien Pool (W.Miller on the right)

Koshien Stadium - Andy Halligan in Radio Room

VF carrier - circuit

Koshien Hotel - Sam Sixbey with terminal.

Koshien Hotel

Christmas Tree in Mess Hall

Koshien Stadium Football Game - 98th division vs. 33rd division.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

October, 1945 - Heading to Japan

There are only three pictures from October, 1945. Pop was heading to Japan from the Philippines. 

LST 708

Pop took this photo of another craft in the convoy. You can get a good sense of what the vessel was like and sense that this was not something you would want to travel in through a storm.

Firing the guns on LST 690.
W. Miller is on the left, covering his ears (who isn't)

Imperial Palace in Japan.

I am sure that these soldiers felt it much better to be in Japan as occupying tourists, rather than be the invading force that was their original purpose.